I've decided to live...

I’ve decided to live

exactly as I wish,

to present my true face

despite any blemish.

I’ll eat ice cream and carbs

and not care what I weigh.

I’ll disregard all that Cosmo

and my mother might say.

I’ll be far from sober,

sometimes low, sometimes high.

I’ll seek out epiphanies

and smoke weed til I die.

I’ll tattoo my whole body

and worship the moon.

I’ll stay up all night

and sleep until noon.

I’ll love unconditionally

all the parts of myself:

my art, my writing,

and the photos on my shelf.

I’ll weep when I’m moved

and laugh as loud as I can.

I’ll sing unblushingly

and be an unabashed fan.

I’ll say what I think

and give all I can give.

I’ll leave all judgement behind,

I’ve decided to live.